
scale_linetype_identity(name=None, breaks=None, labels=None, lablim=None, limits=None, na_value=None, guide='none', format=None)#

Use this scale when your data has already been scaled. I.e. it already represents aesthetic values that the library can handle directly. This will not produce a legend unless you also supply the breaks and labels.


The name of the scale - used as the axis label or the legend title.

breakslist or dict

A list of data values specifying the positions of ticks, or a dictionary which maps the tick labels to the breaks values.

labelslist of str or dict

A list of labels on ticks, or a dictionary which maps the breaks values to the tick labels.

lablimint, default=None

The maximum label length (in characters) before trimming is applied.


Continuous scale: a numeric vector of length two providing limits of the scale. Discrete scale: a vector specifying the data range for the scale and the default order of their display in guides.

guide, default=’none’

Guide to use for this scale.


Define the format for labels on the scale. The syntax resembles Python’s:

  • ‘.2f’ -> ‘12.45’

  • ‘Num {}’ -> ‘Num 12.456789’

  • ‘TTL: {.2f}$’ -> ‘TTL: 12.45$’

For more info see Formatting.


Scale specification.


Input data expected: numeric codes or names of line types (e.g. ‘dotdash’). The codes are: 0 = ‘blank’, 1 = ‘solid’, 2 = ‘dashed’, 3 = ‘dotted’, 4 = ‘dotdash’, 5 = ‘longdash’, 6 = ‘twodash’.


 1from lets_plot import *
 3n = 7
 4data = {
 5    'x': [0] * n,
 6    'xend': [1] * n,
 7    'y': list(range(n)),
 8    'yend': list(range(n)),
10ggplot(data) + \
11    geom_segment(aes(x='x', xend='xend', y='y', \
12                     yend='yend', linetype='y')) + \
13    scale_linetype_identity()